Saturday, March 23, 2013

Udon Lesson

This weekend, I taught my best friend Mark how to make Udon noodle from scratch. It is fun to make something home made and taste awesome because you know love is the best spice in the whole world♥
Ingredients for two: 300g white flour, 150-160g water, 1 teaspoon salt

Mix well before adding water. Add water little by little and knead the udon dough

This process of kneading creates the chewiness of Udon

Rolling rolling...

Chop chop...

Awesome home made udon =)

Mark made a half portion 

Dipping style Udon!! Ready to eat...

It is very easy and simple!! 
Fun activity to make it with your children as well =)


  1. Nice!!
    I actually tried to make home made Udon in Ottawa,
    but it didn't look too Udon ish....


  2. Maria♥ It wasn't too difficult, and less costly as well so let's make it together next time!!
    I haven't see you for long so you have to come back to Vancouver first to make it =)
    No 出張 service for now lol
