Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Minions in my box♡

I guess you've all watched the movie "Despicable Me" before =) Last night I was bored after enjoyed dinner, and wanted to cook something exciting!! So I made this Minion Lunch Box for my lunch♡ It was actually very easy and took only 1 hour to make it =) I will show you the rough instruction of how to make the minions in this post!

仕事から帰り、夕飯後にまだ元気だったので何か面白いものを作りたいなぁと思い、Despicable Me』という映画のミニオンのお弁当を作りました♪ 日本語名を初めて知りました。『怪盗グルーのミニオン危機一髪』という映画のキャラクターです♡ 簡単な作り方を説明します!是非作ってみてください♪

Body= Fried rice/ Egg sheet
Blue cloth= Coloured egg white sheet
Eyes and Goggles= Cheese/ Sliced carrot/ Seaweed sheet/ Chikuwa fish tube
Hair, Mouth, Stars= Dried seaweed sheet


To make the Body part, make fried rice and make 2 balls just like the shape of minion's body. Mix the egg well and make a egg sheet on the pan with low heat. Cover the rice ball with cooked egg sheet and make the shape of the minion's body.


Add a drop of edible blue colour into the egg white, make a thin egg sheet with pan just like the body part. Wrap up a bit less than half of the body part with blue egg white sheet.


Slice the Chikuwa fish tube to make goggles, place the goggles on the circle-shaped cheese. For eye balls, simply cut carrot into a small-thin circle, cut dried seaweed sheet into a circle (a bit smaller than the carrot circle), make small cheese ball (smaller than the seaweed circle) then pile them up just like the picture above.


Now, put them together♡ It might take a bit longer than 1 hour if its your first time making the character lunch box but I'm sure you or your kids will enjoy it =)

最後にパーツを組み合わせて、出来上がり♡ 最初は時間が掛かるとおもいますが、達成感がすごくありますし、お子さんのいる方はすごく喜ぶとおもいます♪

I Love Minons
As much as cooking

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Home made Beer Garden

Monday last week was one of the hottest day in Vancouver! 32 degree C… was already too hot in the morning and I decided to do the Home-made Beer Garden at my patio. I made a lot of low calorie food for Beer and I enjoyed it with my roomie. 

After work, took shower and I was ready to enjoy my time!! It was too hot and the pan heat made me even more sweat… but I enjoyed the cooking time because I knew the beer is gonna be taste even better when I sweat more!! =)


Tofu-chives dumpling had light taste and perfect picking food for girls♡

Chicken breast and chives with spicy sauce! Perfect for hot summer =) 

We enjoyed the Beer and other little food on my patio! The summer breeze and the view was also tasty as well♡ 


10 days till September
Come back to me Summer =(

Monday, August 18, 2014

Summer Sunday

It's already getting chill in Vancouver these days. Last Sunday was still hot and nice weather in here so I woke up like 7am and went out for jogging =) When I was little, I used to go jogging every sunday with my father and my brother and I still keep the family custom in Vancouver♡ 

すでにバンクーバーは涼しい気候になってきました。寂しいですね!先週はまだ暖かい天気が続いていたので、朝7時に起きてジョギングに行ってきました♪ 約11−12キロの海際のコースを1時間半くらいかけて流して走りました。昔、よく父と兄と地元の近くの山中湖を走ったりしていたので、ジョギングは大好きです♥

After my jogging, I worked out at gym for a bit and I made a healthy protein breakfast!! I really like Japanese style breakfast because it has many different dishes in small portion and I get to enjoy all the sweet, sour, salty, bitter and umami taste in one meal =)  

ジョギングの後は、お家のビルに隣接するジムでワークアウトをして、プロテイン豊富なヘルシー朝食を作りました!納豆は鶏肉と炒め、玄米ご飯にカリカリ梅とシソを和えて混ぜご飯にしました♪ 朝しっかり食べると、不思議と頭も体もすっきりします。

My favourite summer drink in 2014 is home made ice latte♡Cheap + Healthy + Relaxing!!! Make a coffee with a bit less water to make the coffee a bit darker, add a bit of sugar and milk, pour the coffee on the ice and top with whipped cream =) Of course I whip my whipping cream with whisk by hand!!! Its a part of my sunday work out for the upper arm♡

今年の夏のマイブームは、ホームメイド•アイスラテです♪ 安くて、健康的で、おまけにゆったりとお家で味わえます!濃いめのコーヒーを作り、ミルクと砂糖を少し足して、氷の上に注ぎます!最後にホイップクリームをのせて完成♥ もちろん、ホイップクリームは自分の手でホイップしてますよ!これも、朝の筋トレの一環ですね♪ 二の腕に効くと信じてます。

Summer is about to end…But

 Fall Seasonal Ingredients are waiting for us =) 

Monday, August 11, 2014

My 27th Birthday

August 9th, 1987- I was born in Japan♥ Thanks to My family, friends and whoever have supported me to survive these years!! My age 26 was very meaningful one year!!! but at the same time the year was the hardest year of my life  as well. I got a full time position job in the fast paced office and also I had a hard time in my private life as well. I thought through my age 26 and I decided to make my 27th birthday as "an appreciation birthday"! I decided to make some picking food for my brother and friends who supported me this year =)   

1987年8月9日に私は日本で産まれました♡ もう27歳。そして、まだ27歳。26年間家族や友達に支えられながら生きてきたように感じます。特に26歳の一年間は公私ともに辛い一年だったように感じます。忙しい業界に入り仕事をこなさなくてはならない中、私生活も安定させるのが大変で、兄や親友のマークに支えられてやっと仕事との両立ができるようになりました!そんなことを思い出しながら、今年の誕生日は感謝する誕生日の過ごし方をしようと思い、今年間お世話になった兄とお友達におつまみのプレゼントを作りました♪ 
Left: Chicken Gizzard Confit  Right: Chicken Gizzard Cold Appe
左:砂肝のコンフィ 右:砂肝の冷菜

I think I purchased most of the chicken gizzard in Vancouver LOL
T&Tで、砂肝を大量購入♪ 安くてたくさん買えます

Marinate with Harbs and Spices

Slow cook with the grape seed oil

Pig drop-lid to make sure all the Gizzard is in the oil

After 2 hours, nicely chewy confit is ready to be bottled =)

I went to Yokoyaya to buy some wrapping stuffs to fancy up my confit =)

Already 27..., but still 27!!!

will make my age 27 even brighter♡