Fluffy and Crunchy Meat ball Hot Pot
Check out my recipe on The Bulletine Magazine website Click♡
Ingredients (2-3 serving):
Fluffy and Crunchy Meat ball (about 15 balls)
Minced Chicken 150g
Chicken gizzard 150g
Green onion (chopped) 2-3
Soft tofu (firm is fine) 140g
Grated Garlic 1 table spoon
Grated Ginger 1 table spoon
Potato starch 1.5 tea spoon
(you can use flour instead)
Salt 1/2 tea spoon
Soup (Pot for 3-4 people)
water 1000cc
Sake 100cc
Mirin 1 table spoon
Grated Garlic 1 tea spoon
Ginger 50g
(julienne, cut into thin strip)
Japanese Dashi pack 1 pack( or Powder dashi/ hondashi 1 tea spoon)
Chicken stock (powder) 1 tea spoon
*add white sesame/ dried chilli if you like
Pick your favourite veggies, meats, and seafood to make your own hot pot. I recommend mushrooms, cabbage, and asian chives for this soup.
鶏ひき肉(皮付き) 150g
砂肝 150g
万能ネギ 2−3本
絹ごし豆腐(木綿でも可) 140g
おろしニンニク•ショウガ 各大さじ1
片栗粉 小さじ1.5
塩 小さじ1/2
水 1000cc
酒 100cc
みりん 大さじ2
おろしニンニク 小さじ1
千切りショウガ 50g
出汁パック 1パック
(なければ、ほんだし 小さじ1)
鶏ガラスープの素(粉末) 大さじ1
白ごま•鷹の爪 お好みで
Step 1 (soup):
Add all the soup ingredients into a pot for hot pot, and boil the soup until all the ingredients melt into water. Stop the heat and let it sit. スープの全ての材料をお鍋に投入し、沸騰させます。一煮立ちしたら火を止めて、他の材料の下準備をする。
Step 2 (meat ball):
Cut chicken gizzard into small pieces (diced, 5mm). 砂肝を5mm角の角切りにします。
Step 3:
Mix minced chicken and salt in a bowl, and add mixed garlic and ginger, diced chicken gizzard, chopped green onion. 鶏ひき肉に塩を加えてよく練り、砂肝、おろしニンニク•ショウガ、刻んだ万能ネギを混ぜ合わせる。
Step 4:
In another bowl, mix tofu and potato starch well until the tofu become airily and fluffy. 別のボールに豆腐と片栗粉を入れ、豆腐がふわふわになるまで混ぜ合わせる。
Step 5:
Mix Step 3 and Step 4 together in a bowl, and make meat ball shapes. Ready for a hot bot now. ステップ3と4をよく混ぜ合わせ、お皿に盛る。団子型にしておくと、お鍋に使いやすい。
Step 6:
Enjoy your hot pot with the soup, meat balls, and your favourite toppings =) あとは、お好みの食べ方でお鍋を楽しむのみ!
*Caution: Chicken gizzard need a bit longer time to cook compare to other meats! Make sure to cook the meat balls well in a hot pot please!
In my next post, I'll post some other ways of using this fluffy and crunchy meat balls
It's winter!
It's Hot Pot season♡
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